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Oracle Forms & Reports Training in Chennai
Learn Oracle Forms and Reports from the certified Oracle Experts in Chennai. We believe in real-time practical training helps employees and students to know more about Oracle Forms and Reports clearly. Oracle Forms is a software product for creating screens that interact with an Oracle database. It has an IDE including an object navigator, property sheet and code editor that uses PL/SQL. Oracle Forms accesses the Oracle database and generates a screen that presents the data. The form is used to view and edit data in database-driven applications. Various GUI elements, such as buttons, menus, scroll-bars, and graphics can be placed on the form. As is normal with event driven interfaces, the software implements event-handling functions called triggers which are automatically invoked at critical steps in the processing of records, the receipt of keyboard strokes, and the receipt of mouse movements. Different triggers may be called before, during, and after each critical step.
Oracle Reports is a tool for developing reports against data stored in an Oracle database. Oracle Reports, a component of Oracle Fusion Middleware is Oracle’s award-winning, high-fidelity enterprise reporting tool. It enables businesses to provide instant access to information to all levels within and outside of the organization in a scalable and secure environment.
Oracle Forms Training Syllabus in Chennai
Here are the topics we are covering in this Oracle Forms Training session.
Introducing Oracle Forms Developer and Forms Services
- Grid Computing
- Oracle 10g Products
- Oracle Application Server 10g Architecture
- Benefits and Components of Oracle Developer Suite 10g
- Running a Forms Developer Application
- Working in the Forms Developer Environment
Creating Forms Modules
- Creating a Basic Forms Module
- Creating a Master-Detail Forms Module
- Modifying the Data Block
- Modifying the Layout
Working with Data Blocks and Frames
- Using the Property Palette
- Managing Object Properties
- Creating and Using Visual Attributes
- Controlling the Behavior and Appearance of Data Blocks
- Controlling Frame Properties
- Creating Control Blocks
- Deleting Data Blocks
Working with Input Items
- Creating Text Items
- Controlling the Behavior and Appearance of Text Items
- Creating LOVs
- Defining Editors
- Creating Check Boxes
- Creating List Items
- Creating Radio Groups
Working with Non Input Items
- Creating a Display Item
- Creating an Image Item
- Creating a Push Button
- Creating a Calculated Item
- Creating a Hierarchical Tree Item
- Creating a Bean Area Item
Working with Windows and Canvases
- Overview of Windows and Canvases
- Displaying a Forms Module in Multiple Windows
- Creating a New Window
- Displaying a Forms Module on Multiple Layouts
- Creating a New Content Canvas
- Creating a New Stacked Canvas
- Creating a New Toolbar Canvas
- Creating a New Tab Canvas
Producing Triggers
- Grouping Triggers into Categories
- Defining Trigger Components: Type, Code, and Scope
- Specifying Execution Hierarchy
- Using the PL/SQL Editor
- Writing Trigger Code
- Using Variables and Built-ins
- Using the When-Button-Pressed and When-Window-Closed Triggers
Debugging Triggers
- The Debugging Process
- The Debug Console
- Setting Breakpoints
- Debugging Tips
- Running a Form in Debug Mode
- Stepping through Code
Adding Functionality to Items
- Coding Item Interaction Triggers
- Defining Functionality for Check Boxes
- Changing List Items at Run Time
- Displaying LOVs from Buttons
- Populating Image Items
- Populating and Displaying Hierarchical Trees
- Interacting with JavaBeans
Run-Time Messages and Alerts
- Built-ins and Handling Errors
- Controlling System Messages
- Using Triggers to Intercept System Messages
- Creating and Controlling Alerts
- Handling Server Errors
Query Triggers
- SELECT Statements Issued During Query Processing
- WHERE and ORDER BY Clauses and the ONETIME_WHERE Property
- Writing Query Triggers
- Query Array Processing
- Coding Triggers for Enter-Query Mode
- Overriding Default Query Processing
- Obtaining Query Information at Run Time
- Validation Process
- Controlling Validation Using Properties
- Controlling Validation Using Triggers
- Performing Client-Side Validation with PJCs
- Tracking Validation Status
- Using Built-ins to Control When Validation Occurs
- Navigation Overview
- Understanding Internal Navigation
- Using Object Properties to Control Navigation
- Writing Navigation Triggers: When-New–Instance, Pre- and Post- Triggers
- The Navigation Trap
- Using Navigation Built-ins in Triggers
Transaction Processing
- The Commit Sequence of Events
- Characteristics and Common Uses of Commit Triggers
- Testing the Results of Trigger DML
- DML Statements Issued During Commit Processing
- Overriding Default Transaction Processing
- Running Against Data Sources Other Than Oracle
- Getting and Setting the Commit Status
- Implementing Array DML
Writing Flexible Code
- What Is Flexible Code?
- Using System Variables for Flexible Coding
- Using Built-in Subprograms for Flexible Coding
- Referencing Objects by Internal ID
- Referencing Items Indirectly
Sharing Objects and Code
- Working with Object Libraries
- Working with Smart Classes
- Reusing PL/SQL
- Working with PL/SQL Libraries
Using WebUtil to Interact with the Client
- Benefits of WebUtil
- Integrating WebUtil into a Form
- Interacting with the Client
Introducing Multiple Form Applications
- Multiple Form Applications Overview
- Starting Another Forms Module
- Defining Multiple Form Functionality
- Sharing Data Among Modules
Oracle Reports Training Syllabus in Chennai
Here are the topics we are covering in this Oracle Reports Training session.
Basic Concepts
- Oracle Reports Builder
- Reports
- Report Styles
- Wizards
- The Object Navigator
- The Report Editor
- Data Model Objects
- Layout Objects
- Parameter Form Objects
- The Property Instructor
- Runtime Views
- Oracle Reports Components
Advanced Concepts
- Reports
- Web Reports
- Data Model Objects
- Layout Objects
- Parameter Form Objects
- Templates
- Output Formats and Capabilities
- Data Sources
- Debugging Tools
Visual Index
- Building Basic Reports
- Building Group Reports
- Building Reports w/ Special Formatting
- Building Matrix Reports
- Building Reports for Business Cases
- Building Reports w/ PL/SQL and Java
- Building Reports w/ Pluggable Data Sources
How To …
- Access Oracle Reports Documentation
- Set Properties and Preferences
- Perform Common Tasks
- Work with the Object Navigator
- Work with Reports
- Work with Web Reports
- Run and Dispatch a Report
- Work with the Data Model
- Work with the Report Layout
- Work with Report Sections
- Work with Parameters and the Parameter Form
- Define a Template
- Use PL/SQL in a Report or Template
- Debug a Report
- Integrate with Other Products
- Administer Oracle Reports Builder
Dinesh J
CEO, Greens Technology
Trainer, Exp: 12 yrs
Mobile: +91 8939915577
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